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QualityKiosk: Drawing up a Sales Strategy - Instructor Spreadsheet
作者姓名:Sreeram Sivaramakrishnan; Anuroop Krishna;
出版日期:2017/12/15內容長度:68 頁

Spreadsheet to accompany product 5B17A064.

QualityKiosk: Drawing up a Sales Strategy - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Sreeram Sivaramakrishnan; Anuroop Krishna;
出版日期:2017/12/15內容長度:14 頁

Teaching note for product 9B17A064.

QualityKiosk: Drawing up a Sales Strategy
作者姓名:Sreeram Sivaramakrishnan; Anuroop Krishna;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B17A064
出版日期:2017/11/27內容長度:15 頁

QualityKiosk Technologies Private Limited (QualityKiosk) was an information technology company providing software application testing and quality assurance services to banks and insurance companies in India. In 2015, QualityKiosk had over 70 per cent penetration in the insurance sector in terms of numbers of customers, and only 30 per cent penetration in the banking sector. Anuroop Krishna, head of QualityKiosk’s banking vertical, must put together .....more